
GPS does not charge a fee to become a member of the organization. However, we do have expenses, and we try to find creative and fun ways to raise money for the organization. By helping us with our fundraising efforts, you can help make the activities that GPS gets involved in all the better, and you should have some fun while you do it.

GPS is also a tax exempt, non-profit organization, so donations may be tax deductible. Our federal tax i.d. is 41-1908130.

We have many ways you can support GPS.

  1. Becoming a Sustaining Member – click here for more info
  2. Donate to and/or bid during our online/in-person Charity Auctions – click here for more info
  3. Shop our Ebay Geek Partner Shoppe
  4. Buy GPS logoed merchandise – click here for more info

We also need volunteers to help grow these established avenues, and to design, develop, and grow newer events and activities.
For further information on helping with important fundraising events, contact

With iGive, you can help us out by looking at a variety of different online retailers, or if you make a purchase.