Support us

We are a 501(c) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Funds given to GPS go toward site expenses, supporting internal initiatives, and community outreach. There are many ways to support our organization.

You can use our secure donation portal to make a one-time donation or enroll as a supporting member. We also welcome donations of gently used Geeky items to go into our charity auctions  so please check that pages for more details. You can even shop online and it will help us out! Item donations could be tax deductible, and receipts are available at the time of donation.

Become a member
Membership is free, but with the addition of supporting membership donations or volunteer hours you may become a Card Carrying Geek and impress your friends.

Buy merchandise
Promote GPS by purchasing clothes and items with our logo. Any profits from merchandise sales go straight back into our organization.

Become a partner 
Partners help us with our community outreach and fundraising. Sometimes this help is financial, and often it is cross-promotional. We have partners at many different levels. If you are a nonprofit organization or club, please consider partnering with us.

As useful as money is, your time is even more valuable to us. As a volunteer-run nonprofit we are always looking for volunteers to sustain our year-round activities as well as our seasonal events. Please consider volunteering for us.