
August 20 Open Meeting – Notes

  • Administration
    • Space rental. 
      • Will be asking current recurring users if they will continue for next year
      • Will soon be sending out the rental rates for next year.
    • Membership and volunteer tracking
      • May see if we can use a system like CVG does.
    • Letter has been sent out to Anime Detour member who was banned, also banning from GPS premises and events.
    • Multiple “at” geekpartnership email accounts need password reset so we can get access. Ann has requested the reset, and after that we will record the passwords in an online password keeper
    • It was suggested that if we could have remote meetings, more people may be able to attend.  Several platforms were brought up. Rusty plans to write up what’s needed in order to do that, and then the Board will see about implementing.
  • Upcoming events. Volunteers always appreciated! Let us know at
    • Furry Migration: Sept 6-8.  Very low key party room and auction
    • Geeks Read Picnic: Sept 8.  All are welcome.
    • Pirate Cruise Sept 15. Ticket sales low, probably due to overlap with Fest
    • FallCon:  October 5.  Table.
    • Anime Fusion: October 18-20. Auction
    • GalaxyCon: November 8-10.  Have asked for a table, awaiting response.
    • Geeksgiving:  November 28
    • Geek Emporium: December
  • Scavenger Hunt.   Moving to May. Suggestion that we may be able to get more participation if not in conflict with events like Anime Fusion.
  • Clubs and Programs
    • Space Camp
      • Nate arrived at camp. Yay!
      • Committee met to discuss theme.  Committee chair is polishing the theme for both youth and educators, and will be announced soon.
      • Applications can be sent in starting in October.
    • Gaming
      • Has gotten some more volunteers, but could use more so that the club head can take some events off
      • Wants to promote UGG as a place to game where people don’t have to feel like they have to buy something.
    • Echo Base
      • Going to see if we can have a table at the next Saberlegion meetup.
      • Saberlegion needs a temporary meeting place and looking into renting from GPS.
  • Administration
    • Space rental. 
      • Will be asking current recurring users if they will continue for next year
      • Will soon be sending out the rental rates for next year.
    • Membership and volunteer tracking
      • May see if we can use a system like CVG does.
    • Letter has been sent out to Anime Detour member who was banned, also banning from GPS premises and events.